講古Five months into the first World War, troops along the Western front took a Christmas Eve break 會場佈置from fighting to sing carols to one another across the battlefield. The following morning, German 節能燈具soldiers emerged from the trenches and began to approach Allied troops while calling out "Merry 東森房屋Christmas" in English. Luckily, it wasn't a trick; dozens of British fighters came out to greet 酒店經紀them and shake hands, some even exchanging cigarettes as gifts. Later dubbed the Christmas Truce of 會場佈置1914, it was one of the last examples of wartime chivalry.當耶誕節台灣人是快樂的吃大餐或是找機會狂歡, 濾桶基督教徒慶祝的是基督耶穌的誕生還其他的故事訴說的是真正耶誕節在西方國家的意義話說第一次世界大戰, 前線士開幕活動兵, 到了耶誕夜(12月24日夜)雙方決定停火一夜, 雙方士兵當晚各自唱她們的聖歌,第2天早上德國兵越過中線用英文G2000說” 聖誕快樂英國兵也出來打招呼, 還交換香菸當禮物這是最後一箇所謂的騎士精神的案例. (這各故事也曾拍過電房屋出租影台灣上演過)Read more: 房地產,28804,1868506_1868508_1868515,00.html #ixzz19Z8yWjvP

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